I've started Shedir; I'm on the second row of the first multi-row pattern part, so about 14? rows through. I'm using my super-nifty Amazing Savings yarn, which turns out to be really beautiful, a lovely peacock-y combination of colors (one of my favorites.) I'm feeling pretty good about it; a row is long-ish (at least for me in my I-can't-handle-anything-that-takes-longer-than-two-minutes freakout mode), but it does give me time to memorize the pattern of stitches. Which is good, because (a) the whole row isn't written out, and, since I am not wise like a certain other knitter, (b) I have a hard time keeping track of where I am on the paper.
I have not returned to Charlotte her web. I noticed that some of my ssk's, or psso's, or something, are not charmingly slanted mirror images around the center. This will probably require some research as to exactly how one does a ssk or a psso -- uh, whatever the f*** stitch I screwed up. Seeing as I also have overwhelming mountains of real research to do, Charlotte may have to wait a bit.
My original style of knitting was odd. I never noticed it until I started trying to do ssk's, etc., and I didn't understand the concept of "slipping a stitch as to knit, then slipping a second stitch as if to knit" because I got exactly the same result by just picking up two stitches to knit. During a (knitting) class I took this past semester, another student (who really didn't need to be in the class; she's quite amazing) watched me knit, and purl, and I watched her, and we realized that what I did is... well, I don't remember. But I think I'm doing it again. Which is problematic, because even though Shedir isn't lace, it's got lots of ssk's, etc. And it's just so much easier for me to learn to knit "right" than to try to rework the language of the pattern into which loop (i.e. front or back) I'm supposed to be picking up.
And just a little TV bit that has been sticking in my craw lo these many weeks, but can someone please explain to me the logic behind airing a season finale on a different night and at a different time????
Wise? No. Lazy? Definitely. Hey, I'll use whatever enabling devices I can get. Sydney at tigersinredweather.com also suggested using contrasting highlighters to mark every other row--I liked the post-its better in the end, but at least with the highlighters you don't have to keep moving them up and down.
Lace? Flooey. Not even for all the Koigu will I attempt the Web. You are brave to even try in my book.
Posted by: Ashley | June 02, 2005 at 01:18 AM
are you referring to me? awww, thanks! but I did need to be in the class because I had no idea how to seam. anyway, I seem to remember you wrap clockwise, not counter-clockwise, which twists your stitches, but since you purl the same way, it doesn't matter, except when knitting in the round and apparently when decreasing. I used to wrap the wrong way, too, so I can tell you with confidence that it's really easy to switch - it becomes very natural after a while. Shedir looks like a lot of fun. when we go on our yarn store excursion I'll have to check out the Calmer, not that I don't already have a ton of stash yarns that are suitable.
I'm sad I didn't make it last night (did you?) but in the end, quals must be done. I have to work all day today and tomorrow, too, and I probably will only be done with one part anyway. lazy.
Posted by: Marian | June 02, 2005 at 10:03 AM
Charlotte isn't exactly symmetrical across the center. Since you're repeating the pattern on each side, it's not going to be mirror opposites.
Posted by: Lauren | June 02, 2005 at 10:04 AM